
golf_shane “After attending the 3 day golf school at the Academy of Golf Dynamics, I have little doubt that I had attended one of the finest golf institutions in the country. The staff did an amazing job of breaking down the fundamentals of golf into ideas and concepts that were practical yet engaging. I am excited to see the quick progress of my golf game as I integrate the drills and thoughts I learned at The Academy. More than anything, I had a fantastic time and am already planning my next trip to the next session I attend. Thanks guys.” — Shane Battier, Houston Rockets

“The Academy of Golf Dynamics is the only school I’ve seen that doesn’t teach just one way. If you need help with your set up, path, turn, balance, etc., they’ll work in your needs.” — J.L. Lewis, PGA Tour Professional
“I spent forty-two years in the administration of higher education, the last twenty-seven as a college president. During all of those years I must have personally hired and regularly evaluated over a thousand instructors. You guys are wonderful. You compliment each other in every phase of the game. You are all on the same page with each phase. I don’t know where or how you find these people, or by what criteria you evaluate them, but just keep on keeping on! You are all great. Nancy and I had a wonderful time and you will hear more from us in good time.” — Tom Jenkins, Texas
“I was very impressed with the attitude, enthusiasm, and personal attention they showed and gave me. It was easy to see why The Academy ranked within the Top 25 Golf Schools in the country. The school was everything I asked for and more. I have already recommended the school to a number of my associates and friends and I have no doubt I will return. Kudos to everyone at The Academy.” — Gene Dutton, Oklahoma
“Thanks to your coaching and support, in the past four seasons I’ve gone from a 30+ handicap to 15 at present. After this session I feel that when I follow and execute on the swing keys, my swing and ball flight is the best it’s ever been. I’m confident that I will improve further this season through your coaching.” — Rick Chase, Tennessee
“Very consistent high level of competence, knowledge, and enthusiasm across all instructors!” — Tom Dewar M.D. – Texas
“My wife and I would like to thank all the Academy staff for making our school one of the most enjoyable experiences we have had. The instruction and attitudes of everyone was superb. We both think this school should be the number 1 school in the nation. We look forward to coming back. Thanks again.” — Melvin & Teresa Sattawhite
“I just wanted to thank you so much for all you do…….after three days of consistent reinforcement I am able to repeat what I learned at golf school. I wasn’t sure if it would be worth going back again, but I would tell anyone the second(maybe even 3rd) is better than the first. I felt I was able to grasp the concepts and feel for what I was supposed to do this time. You all are awesome and truly have a gift for teaching.” — Shariae Dugdale, Idaho
“Gentlemen, thank you so much for the instruction I received during the March 2009 golf class. In my opinion, your professionalism is unsurpassable. The individual attention I received and the genuine nature and concern from all of you regarding my golf game and my personal life was overwhelming. I have never met a better group of guys. I presume I am not your typical ‘high end’ customer as is the case with my father and his Houston friends. Nevertheless, I felt I was the most important students there based on the personal attention I received. It is difficult to express my delight in spending the weekend at The Academy of Golf Dynamics. Thank you all again.” — K.C. Kraft, Oklahoma
“Thanks again for an amazing school. Impossible to put into words the satisfaction of watching my shots go straight with a good loft after you adjusted my stance, swing and body rotation. In the scheme of things, your adjustments were more tweaks than dramatic changes, so I am confident I can enjoy good shots as I move forward. I was about a 24-26 handicap when I attended in 2015, and with your help that year, and the drills I have practiced since, I am in the 16.5-17.5 range — you basically took me from a double bogey golfer who got few pars to a bogey golfer who can break 90 and now shoots pars, occasional birdies, and I even had my first eagle a couple months ago. I figured I would be a bogey golfer forever, given my age (67) and tendency to usually hit one bad shot a hole. After this week, and spending time on the range yesterday and this morning, I am convinced I can shoot in the 80s routinely. I have struggled with topping my fairway shots all year, but playing the Hills on Thursday, I made good contact on all the shots from the fairway and I am confident I can hit those shots consistently. I have some experience in the education business, having taught and commanded at Air Force schools, and then at the University of Maryland University College as a vice president and adjunct faculty member, plus as a scuba divemaster who taught and worked with dozens of scuba instructors. You ‘guys’ are simply the best instructors I have ever seen (and this includes Nick from 2015). The ease and effectiveness with which you pass on your knowledge and expertise, your ability to convey concepts and, of course, your ability to demonstrate shot-making is a marvel to witness. I was so impressed watching you work with Donna, who appeared to be having a few more difficulties than the rest of us — getting the information across clearly, yet being so encouraging and supportive. People throw around the term ‘professional’ a lot these days, but the Academy team truly is. Special thanks to Jo Ann for taking care of all the arrangement ‘stuff’ while the guys get to go play golf. I very much appreciate your responsiveness and keeping me informed. Plus, thanks for the goodie box!” — John Jones
“I just completed my 2-1/2 days with the Academy and absolutely LOVED it. I am a true beginner and Randy, Kyle, Vaughn and Nick were the best. I never felt intimidated or discouraged. They provided a positive learning environment and I would highly recommend for beginners on up to long time golfers. My husband attended the Academy about three years ago, as a long time golfer and loved it as well. He told me when I was ready to take up golf, he would send me to the Academy and I’m so glad he did. I left, feeling confident, encouraged and excited to start playing golf. Highly recommend. We’ll go back!” – Leslie J., Florida
“Love this golf school. If you are a new golfer this school will give you the tools and techniques needed to score better on the course. With great practice drills specific to your personal golf stroke. You will get hands on personal training on the range and around the course. I have attended 5 times in 20 years and just finished my 6th clinic and the best part 3 of my friends joined me. I am so excited about this golf season. Next year we are planning on attending the Academy in Colorado next August.” – Kristina H.

Survey Results

Let these survey results from satisfied students speak for themselves!