Good Techniques For Improving Your Golf Swing At Any Age
Tuesday, January 1st, 2019
Playing golf well, regardless of your age or skill level, is more of an art than a science. You should watch out for advice that is geared for the tour professional. Expert players are able to hit the ball a great distance, but they usually want to improve to the point where they are as consistent as a robot. If you follow most of the advice they use, you are likely to play worse instead of improving your game. The following drills can help you improve your swing at any stage in life.
Why should beginners follow basic techniques?
Many beginner or average golfers try to imitate the well-known tour players because some golf teachers pattern their swings like professionals. The problem is that average golfers usually do not improve when taught to play like this. They are not paying attention to their body’s capabilities or their skill levels.
Most older beginners need more “clubhead speed” with limited flexibility, so they need to draw the ball. Rhythmical swinging and allowing the clubface to rotate open on the backswing and on impact can help improve their golf game. Younger golfers can benefit from focusing on full body swings while keeping their heads straight.
Here are a few other drills and exercises that you can practice to become a better golfer, no matter your age.
Drill #1: chair drills
Even though people have been using this technique for decades, it is still valid today. Hold a club in front of you with your normal grip as you sit in a chair with your feet flat on the ground. Make a full shoulder turn as you swing the club back and then swing through. Pay attention to how your forearms feel as you rotate the clubface open as it goes back, makes impact, and then follows through. When you restrict everything from your hips down with the chair, the feeling of forearm and clubface rotation is isolated and enhanced. You can practice this chair drill at home, but do not hit any balls.
Drill #2: walk through
This technique helps you develop rhythm and footwork. It will synchronize the support of your legs and feet with your club and the swinging of your hands and arms. Begin by setting up (teeing) six balls in a line. Work up to using the driver, but start with your short iron. At the first ball, swing your club back, let your left heel come off the ground, and hit the ball. Do not stop, but step toward the line of balls you set up and hit each of them after the other. Your hips cannot open at impact because you are walking forward. This drill encourages a draw by promoting an inside path.
Drill #3: speed
To work on your distance, place an alignment rod under your left armpit. Get into a normal address position, and pretend to make a backswing, turning back as if you are going to do it. As fast as you are able, turn through. There will not be much speed there. Then, swing with your normal grip by holding the rod and whipping it through with your hands and arms. You will hear and see the difference. Keep your hands and arms relaxed and you will find that you can swing the rod faster. This will also work for swinging your golf club. Remember that speed is destroyed by tension, so you want to stay calm.
Drill #4: transition
You sense how to use the club head and swing your club freely when you practice different-length pitches. You can quickly get a feel for letting your club swing when you practice with the sand wedge. This is the heaviest golf club in your bag. Your hands, arms, and body will react to the club instead of trying to control where it goes.
Practicing transition drills helps you get a feel for how your weight rolls on the back swing to the inside of your right foot. Then, on the through-swing, it goes to the outside of your left foot. Hitting pitch shots is often the best way for you to improve your full swing. If you vary the practice pitches, you gain an understanding of how your feet and legs support your swing. This muscle knowledge will transfer into longer shots.
Learn more helpful golf techniques from Academy of Golf Dynamics
For more information about how to improve your golf game, speak with the experts at The Academy of Golf Dynamics today. You can Contact Us via email or call us at (512) 261-3300 to learn more about our Facilities, Instructors, and Schools. Feel free to visit us at our location at 1700 Kahala Sunset Dr in Spicewood, TX near Austin.